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Thursday, 31 July 2014

To Find uncommon things between two List. And how interesting it is to know Concat Union and Distinct works

In the Last blog we saw how to find the uncommon things in particular list.

Now we need to find the uncommon things in both the list. We will continue with same example. First we will start with simple integer type , then we will go for class.

using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Text;  
 using System.Collections;  
 class Program  
   static void Main(string[] args)  
     List<int> num1 = new List<int> { 1, 4, 7, 12 };  
     List<int> num2 = new List<int> { 1, 9, 7, 13, 13 };  
     List<int> num2NotinNum1 = num2.Where(x => !num1.Contains(x)).Distinct().ToList();// 4 12  
     List<int> num1NotinNum2 = num1.Where(x => !num2.Contains(x)).Distinct().ToList(); //9 13  
     List<int> CommoninNum1Num2 = num1.Intersect(num2).ToList(); // 1 7  
     List<int> uncommonBoth = num1.Union(num2).Except(CommoninNum1Num2).ToList();  
     foreach (int uncommon in uncommonBoth)  

It works for

List<int> uncommonBoth = num1.Concat(num2).Except(CommoninNum1Num2).ToList();

So what is the difference between Concat and Union ???

I have explained here.


using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Text;  
 using System.Collections;  
 class list1  
   public string FirstName { get; set; }  
   public string Id { get; set; }  
 class list2  
   public string FirstName { get; set; }  
   public string Id { get; set; }  
 class Program  
   static void Main(string[] args)  
     List<list1> list1 = new List<list1>();  
     List<list2> list2 = new List<list2>();  
     list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Biswa", Id = "1" });  
     list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "2" });  
     list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Prasad", Id = "3" });  
     list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Abhi", Id = "1" });  
     list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "2" });  
     list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "3" });  
     list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Siba", Id = "3" });  
     List<list1> list1NotInList2 = list1.Where(x => !list2.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName)).ToList();  
     List<list2> list2NotInList1 = list2.Where(x => !list1.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName)).ToList();  
     Console.WriteLine("====Items in LIst1 but Not in list2===========");  
     foreach (list1 items in list1NotInList2)  
       Console.WriteLine(items.FirstName + " " + items.Id);  
     Console.WriteLine("====Items in LIst2 but Not in list1============");  
     foreach (list2 items in list2NotInList1)  
       Console.WriteLine(items.FirstName + " " + items.Id);  


-------------------Now we want both the things---------------------------------------------------------------

var finalcommonresult = list2.Where(x => !list1.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName)).ToList().Cast<object>().Union  
               (list1.Where(x => !list2.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName)).ToList().Cast<object>());  
       foreach (dynamic items in finalcommonresult)  
         Console.WriteLine(items.FirstName + " " + items.Id);  

Biswa 1
Prasad 3
Abhi 1
Siba 3

-- This gives me both the resullts.
-- We can use Concat too
-- You need to use dynamic otherwise you will get error. items will be resolved at runtime whether its from list1 or list2. if from list1 then at runtime the firstname will be resolved as of list1.


list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Biswa", Id = "1" });  
       list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "7" });  
       list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Biswa", Id = "3" });  
       list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Abhi", Id = "1" });  
       list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "2" });  
       list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "3" });  
       list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Siba", Id = "3" });  
 var finalcommonresult = list2.Where(x => !list1.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName))  
             .Union(list1.Where(x => !list2.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName))  
             .Select(x => x.FirstName).ToList().Cast<object>());

Here we get

The same thing with concat will give

 var finalcommonresult = list2.Where(x => !list1.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName))  
             .Concat(list1.Where(x => !list2.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName)).ToList()  



 list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Biswa", Id = "1" });  
 list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "7" });  
 list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Biswa", Id = "1" });  
 list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Abhi", Id = "1" });  
 list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "2" });  
 list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "3" });  
 list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Siba", Id = "3" });  
 var finalcommonresult = list2.Where(x => !list1.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName))  
 .ToList().Cast<object>().Union(list1.Where(x => !list2  
 .Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName)).ToList().Cast<object>());

Here we get

Abhi   1
Siba    3
Biswa 1
Biswa 1

If we are not selecting anything even if both same the records [Biswa 1 and Biswa 1] are same, union gives all the results.
So lets try selecting both the items. Earlier we have selected First Name. Now to select both items use anonymous type. Use the new keyword followed by curly braces.

 var finalcommonresult = list2.Where(x => !list1.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName))  
 .Select( x=> new { x.FirstName,x.Id}).ToList().Cast<object>()  
 .Union(list1.Where(x => !list2.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName))  
 .Select(x => new { x.FirstName, x.Id }).ToList().Cast<object>()); 

Abhi   1
Siba    3
Biswa 1

Cool :)


 list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Biswa", Id = "1" });  
 list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "7" });  
 list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Biswa", Id = "9" });  
 list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Abhi", Id = "1" });  
 list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "2" });  
 list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "3" });  
 list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Siba", Id = "3" });  
 var finalcommonresult = list2  
 .Where(x => !list1.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName))  
 .Select( x=> new { x.FirstName,x.Id}).ToList().Cast<object>()  
 .Union(list1.Where(x => !list2.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName)).Select(x => new { x.FirstName, x.Id }).ToList().Cast<object>());           

Abhi   1
Siba    3
Biswa 1
Biswa 9

ok cool :)

You can also use Distinct for above queries.

Distinct also works when we are filtering on anonymous types.

var distinctlist1 = list1.Select(x=> new {x.FirstName,x.Id}).ToList().Distinct(); // this will give distinct  
  var distinctlist11 = list1.ToList().Distinct();//this will not give distinct 

So we can use Distinct + Concat. Because Distinct + Union will not make any sense as Union will take the distinct if we are working on anonymous types. 

var finalcommonresult =   
 list2.Where(x => !list1.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName))  
 .Select(x=> new {x.FirstName,x.Id}).ToList().Distinct().Cast<object>()  
 .Concat(list1.Where(x => !list2.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName))  
 .Select(x => new { x.FirstName, x.Id }).ToList().Distinct().Cast<object>());

To select a distinct you need to do as anonymous type too.


Difference Between Concat and Union

class Program  
     static void Main(string[] args)  
       List<int> num1 = new List<int> { 1, 4, 7, 12 };  
       List<int> num2 = new List<int> { 1, 9, 7, 13, 13,13 };  
       List<int> concat = num1.Concat(num2).ToList();  
       List<int> union = num1.Union(num2).ToList();  
       Console.WriteLine("=======Concat Begins=======");  
       foreach (int concatnum in concat)  
       Console.WriteLine("=======Union Begins=======");  
       foreach (int unionnum in union)  


Union gives the distinct values. But Concat gives us all the things between both the list.
By this fact we can say that Concat() is faster than Union() because it doesn't do any processing. 

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Convert One List to Another List without For loop or Foreach Loop

  • Convert One List to Another List

 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Text;  
 using System.Collections;  
 namespace OverloadingConstructor  
   class TargetList  
     public TargetList(string Id,string FirstName,String LastName)  
       this.LastName = LastName;  
       this.FirstName = FirstName;  
       this.Id = Id;  
     public string Id { get; set; }  
     public string FirstName { get; set; }  
     public string LastName { get; set; }  
   class SourceList  
     public string Id { get; set; }  
     public string FirstName { get; set; }  
     public string LastName { get; set; }  
   class Program  
     public static TargetList PointFToPoint(SourceList pf)  
       return new TargetList(pf.Id,pf.FirstName,pf.LastName);  
     static void Main(string[] args)  
       List<SourceList> sourceList = new List<SourceList>();  
       sourceList.Add(new SourceList { FirstName = "Anurag", LastName = "Nayak", Id = "1" });  
       sourceList.Add(new SourceList { FirstName = "Abhishek", LastName = "Nayak", Id = "2" });  
       sourceList.Add(new SourceList { FirstName = "Siba", LastName = "Dalai", Id = "3" });  
       sourceList.Add(new SourceList { FirstName = "Manju", LastName = "Rath", Id = "4" });  
       List<TargetList> Target = sourceList.ConvertAll(new Converter<SourceList, TargetList>(PointFToPoint));  
       foreach (var item in Target)  
         Console.WriteLine("First Name::- " + item.FirstName + "; Last Name::- " +item.LastName + "; Id:- " + item.Id);  



Second Way

using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Text;  
 using System.Collections;  
 namespace OverloadingConstructor  
   class TargetList  
     public string Id { get; set; }  
     public string FirstName { get; set; }  
     public string LastName { get; set; }  
     public List<string> DepId { get; set; }  
   class SourceList  
     public string Id { get; set; }  
     public string FirstName { get; set; }  
     public string LastName { get; set; }  
     public List<string> DepId { get; set; }  
   class Program  
     static void Main(string[] args)  
       List<SourceList> sourceList = new List<SourceList>();  
       sourceList.Add(new SourceList { FirstName = "Anurag", LastName = "Nayak", Id = "1", DepId = new List<string> { "1","2","3"} });  
       sourceList.Add(new SourceList { FirstName = "Abhishek", LastName = "Nayak", Id = "2", DepId = new List<string> { "11", "21", "31" } });  
       sourceList.Add(new SourceList { FirstName = "Siba", LastName = "Dalai", Id = "3", DepId = new List<string> { "21", "22", "23" } });  
       sourceList.Add(new SourceList { FirstName = "Manju", LastName = "Rath", Id = "4", DepId = new List<string> { "31", "32", "33" } });  
       List<TargetList> Target1 = sourceList.ConvertAll(x => new TargetList { FirstName=x.FirstName,LastName=x.LastName, Id=x.Id, DepId=x.DepId}).ToList();  
       foreach (var item in Target1)  
         Console.WriteLine("First Name::- " + item.FirstName + "; Last Name::- " + item.LastName + "; Id:- " + item.Id);  


Llinq Except and How it Differs from Not In Operator

Contains & Except

using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 namespace LinqDetails  
   class Program  
     static void Main(string[] args)  
       List<int> num1 = new List<int> { 1,4,7,12};  
       List<int> num2 = new List<int> { 1, 9, 7, 13 };  
       List<int> final = num2.Where(x => !num1.Contains(x)).ToList();//9 13  
       foreach (var items in final)  
       Console.WriteLine("=======Except Begins=======");  
       List<int> final1 = num2.Except(num1).ToList();//9 13  
       foreach (var items in final1)  

  • Both output is 9 and 13
  • First One is Not In operator :- x not there in num1.
  • Second one is Except


Now lets make some twist
 class Program  
     static void Main(string[] args)  
       List<int> num1 = new List<int> { 1,4,7,12};  
       List<int> num2 = new List<int> { 1, 9, 7, 13,13 };  
       List<int> final = num2.Where(x => !num1.Contains(x)).ToList();//9 13 13  
       foreach (var items in final)  
       Console.WriteLine("=======Except Begins=======");  
       List<int> final1 = num2.Except(num1).ToList();//9 13  
       foreach (var items in final1)  


  • Except always gives distinct values


 Lets try with a List of Classes

using System;   
  using System.Collections.Generic;   
  using System.Linq;   
  namespace LinqDetails   
   class list1   
    public string FirstName { get; set; }   
    public string Id { get; set; }   
   class list2   
    public string FirstName { get; set; }   
    public string Id { get; set; }   
   class Program   
    static void Main(string[] args)   
     List<list1> list1 = new List<list1>();   
     List<list2> list2 = new List<list2>();   
     list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName="Biswa", Id="1" });   
     list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "2" });   
     list1.Add(new list1 { FirstName="Prasad", Id="3" });   
     list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Abhi", Id = "1" });   
     list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Anurag", Id = "2" });   
     list2.Add(new list2 { FirstName = "Siba", Id = "3" });   
     List<list2> list2NotInList1 = list2.Where(x => !list1.Any(y => y.FirstName == x.FirstName)).ToList();   
     foreach (list2 list in list2NotInList1)   
      Console.WriteLine(list.FirstName + " " + list.Id);   


  • Using Any for the first scenario

            List<int> num1 = new List<int> { 1,4,7,12};

            List<int> num2 = new List<int> { 1, 9, 7, 13 };
            List<int> final3 = num2.Where(x => !num1.Any(y=>y==x)).ToList();//9 13

  • If duplicate is there then it takes duplicate value too.

            List<int> num1 = new List<int> { 1,4,7,12};
            List<int> num2 = new List<int> { 1, 9, 7, 13,13 };
            List<int> final = num2.Where(x => !num1.Contains(x)).ToList();//9 13 13
            List<int> finalAny = num2.Where(x => !num1.Any(y => y == x)).ToList();// 9 13 13

  • To Make it distinct use below code

List<int> final = num2.Where(x => !num1.Any(y=>y==x)).Distinct().ToList();// 9 13


I hope you enjoyed the things  :)